Our True Treasure: A Loving Father

Hope Father’s day was as fulfilling for you and your family as it was for us. To begin, Hubby got to climb back into bed (he’s an early-bird and I had to talk him out of mowing a family member’s lawn so he could be “pampered” for a change) and read the newspaper while waiting for breakfast.

After the morning feast was ready - - actually, it’s our regular Sunday spread of whole wheat blueberry pancakes, cream of wheat, hash browns, fresh fruit salad and orange juice - - the kiddos and I shared their gifts with him. As mentioned in a previous post, I “helped” my daughter and son craft father’s day cards. We also took advantage of Michael’s Get Hooked on Dad event and “designed” a t-shirt for him. He was very happy with all the doting and then immediately got down to business enjoying his breakfast.

Hubby filled his tummy and then took a nice long nap, undisturbed for the most part, just like a hibernating bear. Gotta love him! Then, he proceeded with his plans for the rest of the day: take Liv to see the movie “Up”. Though I thought it was a great idea, I have to admit I was a bit jealous. Not because he didn’t offer to take me instead or take me along. No, no. It was because this would now guarantee his nomination for the “best parent” award from Liv. You see, as is often the case in so many other homes, I’m the “evil mom” while he get’s to be the “best dad”. It’s all good though. Hubby is, in fact, a great DAD!

To top off the day, Hubby took the kiddos to get ice cold Quick Trip slushies after a hot evening outside washing my vehicle. This was the icing on the cake in Liv’s book. She keeps mentioning how this was the best Father’s Day ever. No doubt, she nearly forgot we were suppose to “celebrate Dads" today. Bless her little heart!

Hope you had a great day, too!!


glamour770 June 23, 2009 at 3:11 PM  

I just love the story especially how Liv had the best day of all, spending alone time with dad...you truly are the best dad G...but, I am a little partial, being your sister!!!


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